made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Holidays

     So... Been a while... Imagine that! I'm horrible, but improving....I think! :P

     Halloween has come and gone... But it was fun and memorable! I had originally wanted some sort of "theme" to the kids' costumes this year, but then I started to feel as though I were forcing something upon them, and taking away their independence somehow... So I let them choose what they wanted to be... Joseph decided he wanted to be a ghost, but not one with a sheet and holes, because Hunter at school was doing that! He picked this one:

     Then it came time for the girls to pick their costumes... Amaya has been fascinated with mermaids, so, of course that's what she wanted to be, but we looked and looked and looked and never found a very cute mermaid so she decided to be a ladybug and was disappointed to find they were sold out. So we got this one:
     Now Tressa was absolutely determined to be Tinkerbell... Unfortunately we could not, for the life of us find a Tinkerbell costume that was anywhere close to the actual Tink or one that was very cute... So then she wants to be Dora! This is where I kind of started the pushing of being the ladybug to match Amaya... Wrong! She was set, it was Tinkerbell, Dora, or nothing... So I of course started another long search for a Tinkerbell costume... and well, this is what we found and she was very pleased!

      Then I decided to make a cheap, yet adorable (of course) costume for myself... a ladybug! Jonathan had decided to do the Hulk. Joseph already had the Hulk fists, courtesy of Pat-Pat and Pappy for Christmas a few years ago. Unfortunately, time was ticking quickly and he did not even get started since I was makeup-ing myself and the girls... The weather was just right, not too cold! There were a few houses that the kids refused to walk up to because they were either too scary looking, had scary costumes, had scary music, or they saw them scaring other kids. However, this year they were much more willing to take candy from strangers! Lol! They screamed "TRICK-OR-TREAT!" as loud as they possibly could and made sure to say "thank you." every time! :) Such good kids! Towards the end, they all got a little tired and asked about 100 times if we were almost home. They slept well that night!
     Joseph's football season ended, and I cried. The mini speech coach gave them the last game made me tear up and feel like my little prince was a king... He truly is an awesome little boy!

     Thanksgiving came quickly after... It was a pretty quiet day. It was just us, Mike and Joy. Joy cooked an amazing turkey and ham and delicious pies (She even made me a pecan! My favorite!). Jonathan and Mike worked together, I mean, Jonathan watched Mike make spicy shoepeg corn, which turned out delicious too! It's definitely one of my favorite holiday dishes. We all ate way too much, and I have not been to the gym all month :-$. I swear I am going tonight!
     There are only 20 days left until we are in Missouri for the Christmas holiday!!!!!! I am so ready to see my family! It feels like it has been 10 years, not just 1 1/2. The kids have changed so much and so have my siblings. I have a nephew I've never met who is now almost 10 months old :(, a "nephew" from my best friend Whitney who I've also not met who is now a year old, and then now I have my first niece on the way and I'm afraid I'll not meet her until she is a year or older :(.
     I have just now started Christmas shopping, and I ordered the kids' dress outfits and they will not be here until a few days before we leave for Missouri so this years Christmas cards will be late! Sorry guys!
     I think that's pretty much it for now. I will be sure to update soon! Hope that everyone had a tremendous Thanksgiving and I hope that an even better Christmas holiday is in store for you! We love and miss you all! Kisses and hugs from all of us!

     I almost forgot! 
     I was letting the girls' bangs grow out since I find it super cute, but Tressa's hair is very stringy and a lot like my sister Tiffany's so I chose to cut her bangs. She was very happy about it! She always wants me to cut her hair when I cut Jonathan and Joseph's. I cut her bangs and she looks 10 years older! It's horrible! It makes me feel much older! So, then Amaya requests to have hers cut too. I did NOT want to cut hers, they were so pretty and naturally sideswept, but she insisted... I cut them, a little, just a trim, and she was not happy. She wanted hers to look just like Tressa's. I go against my better judgment and cut them... She chose to look at Tressa as I make the cut, and WHACK! off go her bangs... They look terrible and I will never cut them again, even if she begs! :P I cut Joseph's hair yesterday and he decides to tell me that after Christmas he wants his hair to grow out! Where did he get that idea? I personally think his hair is a little too fluffy for that, but we shall see... I will let him have his wish since school pictures and Christmas pictures will have already been taken! lol