made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


Monday, August 30, 2010


I have had the great pleasure and extra confidence boost by being told I was good looking. Thank you. Thank you.☺

There are two occasions that I will speak of. Two very different men and two very different approaches, and of course my two very different reactions.

A few months ago I went to Wal-Mart to do my dreaded weekly grocery shopping adventure and had the pleasure annoyance of being complimented... I walk toward two men and a woman. One of the guys looks me up and down and tells me, "Damn girl! You are on FIYA!!! *Insert cheesy whistle here*" I had a million and one things I wanted to say to that pig! Firstly, thank you. Secondly, how dare you talk to me or "compliment" me like I am a piece of meat! I took and different approach and kindly walked away... I was so angry though and couldn't get over the fact that somebody had actually said that to me... I still can't believe someone would actually say that to anyone, period. It's men like that, that give all other men a bad name. This guy was probably in his early twenties and was just looking for a wham, bam, kind of ma'am.

Then today... while at the store, go figure. I walk toward a man in his mid forties who is smiling like he just won the lottery. As he gets closer he says, "Girl. You are so pretty. You have a nice day." "Thank you! You have a nice day yourself." Smiling like I won the lottery as I walk away. I will tell you what! I looked a hot MESS going to the store today. Pajama's, hair that hasn't been shampoo'd in 3 days so it's flat to my head, no makeup and a hole in my shirt. And he told me I was so pretty!!! I think I had an extra bounce in my step after that...

Then I started thinking about the first situation I mentioned and how differently I reacted. The first time all I wanted to do was tell that guy to **** off! Today, I smiled and thanked the man. I wonder that if the first guy had complimented me like the second if I would still react the same or if I would respond the way I did today. Is it correlated with the way the compliment is given or does it have something to do with the age of the complimentee (:Þ)? Most of the time that I have been given a compliment by a younger man, it's usually something that just screams asshole. However, all young guys don't act that way... Right?

Oh My GOSH!!! How could I not tell you this story!

This one more like creeped me out! Went shopping at like 10 o'clock this night because we had plans for all of the next day and I had no other time to get it done. I keep noticing this man following me around the store with his friend and I just kind of ignored it until they greet me at the van at 11:30 in BFE of the parking lot, just me. It was kind of the moment that made you think, Oh my god! Why didn't I buy any pepper spray when my mom told me to? Where are my keys, I can use those as a weapon? Anyway... One of the guys continues to his car while the other asks me if I play ball. "Play ball? No. Why?"
"Well, you were dressed sporty (I was wearing my gym clothes and sports bra.) and I thought maybe you played. So you really don't play ball?"
"I really don't play ball."
"Do you know of any night clubs around here?"
"Umm... Michael's is right over there by Hooters."
He is a black man. He asks me about the ethnic majority of the club since he's looking for something predominantly black.
Then he asks me if I want to join them at the club because he thinks I am attractive and he wanted to tell me in the store, but said I looked stuck up so he didn't approach me. Eventually, he walks to his car and they leave. WHEW! I had one of my biggest freak out sessions ever!

First off, why the hell did you approach me outside?! He even asked me if I was scared, which only freaked me out more. Of course I denied being scared! Even though I kept looking back to his friends car and checking behind me. Secondly, after I was home safe with my husband and family I am seriously bothered that he said I looked stuck up! I went through a million questions with Jonathan asking why someone would think I was stuck up because I am definitely NOT stuck up! I am such a people person! Then I was like, Hey, he said I was attractive.Definitely not the time, place, or way I want to be told I am attractive.

Anyway, Perspective, shmective...

Day One: Favorite Song

Because I am so bored at home everyday while the kids are all at school and I have been avoiding cleaning the apartment ever since my sister in law called me, I am starting a 30 day challenge.

For each of those 30 days there is a certain topic. Day one is your favorite song... So here goes.

This is actually really hard for me because I just LOVE music period. I don't know if I really have a "favorite" and I definitely don't think I could pick just one. Jonathan tells me that every song is my "favorite" song because I hear a song and it's instantly my "favorite." I tend to listen to a lot of "sad" or "depressing" songs. Growing up my dad told me that if i didn't listen to more upbeat music I was going to be depressed the rest of my life. Then when I did, he told me to quit listening to "devil music." Haha! Never can win.

Well, here's my shot at listing my "favorite" song. Or two... Or three... They're really those songs that I listen to when I think of the most important moments in my life.

1. Never Been To Spain- but only Elvis Presley's version R.I.P. Uncle Robert

2. My Letter- Flaw; Really a sad song, but it has a huge significance to my life.

So for an actual favorite song:

3. Prayer- Disturbed; This is the song that made me fall in love with them!

And really any song from the 90's (Haha!)

What is or are your favorite songs?
