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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Freedom of I mean Religion...

For the past few weeks I've noticed an alarming amount of protests and news articles about mosques being built around the country...most notably the one near ground zero of 9/11. There is one major point I don't understand. Where has freedom of religion gone?

So I recently read according to polls that the U.S.A. is 78% Christian, which is why this blog is titled such...Christians seem to think they deserve freedom of THEIR religion but other religions are not allowed the same freedoms our country was founded on.

Some fun facts about the mosque being built "near" "Ground Zero":

This mosque near Ground Zero is actually 2 blocks north of Ground is to be a cultural center with a swimming pool, a 400 seat theater, an auditorium, and art centers.

There is a similar building built by the Jewish community uptown. It's called the 92nd Street Y.

There is going to be a Greek Orthodox church built on the site of Ground Zero, because it was destroyed. Saint Paul's Chapel, an Episcopal church, is across the street from Ground Zero.

There's religious institutions all over the place.

Only one of them is being harassed about building a religious building near or on this so called "hallowed ground."

Now comparing this to another religious building built on "ground zero"...the Hiroshima World Peace Memorial Cathedral...We "Christian" Americans bombed Hiroshima with our nuclear bomb "little boy" killing an estimated 140,000 people...Religion in Japan is mainly associated with Shinto and Buddhism. So why is there a christian cathedral memorial built there? Shouldn't Japanese citizens be outraged?? Wait...Japan, much like the U.S.A., has FREEDOM of RELIGION! Imagine that...the freedom to practice your religion in peace and without undue restrictions or criticisms.

On to another criticized building site:

In 1984 a group of Carmelite nuns announced their decision to construct a convent on the grounds of the former concentration camp. In this case Jewish organizations voiced their disapproval by launching an international protest.

Commentators complained that Polish authorities and the Church had not consulted with the Jewish community before embarking upon plans to construct a convent on the site. However, it was never satisfactorily explained as to why they should, any more than Jewish authorities would agree to consult with the Church if they planned to erect a small memorial temple on the site of Birkenau.

In fact, the debate surrounding the negative Jewish response to Christian prayer at Auschwitz was perplexing to Christians of all persuasions. Few Christians were able to understand the vehemence in which Jews generally responded to Christian prayers.

Just as assuredly Muslims are confused as to why they should not be allowed to build a church because it happens to be "too close" to a location associated with a terrorist attack by people claiming/deemed to be Muslim.

Ok so...

All across America anywhere there was a major battle between the Colonists and Native Americans any church within 2 blocks of that area should be torn down because it is a slap in the face to all the descendants of those Native Americans who were killed by the "terrorist colonists" who killed them out of anger and self justified motives of religion and "racial superiority".

But why stop there? Christians have killed millions in the name of THEIR religion all over the any christian institution near any known crusade or wars in the name of Christianity should be torn down too...

Technically if you were to follow this methodology you would be hard pressed to find places that any christian building could be built without offending someone...

Also an important note...33% of our world follows some form of Christianity...23% of our world is Muslim...if those roughly 2 billion Muslims were all radical terrorists we would have suicide bombers on every street corner in the world.

The terrorists are a select few...and there are terrorists that would claim to be Christians...does that make all Christians terrorists?? Of course it does! Since obviously American Christians think that because 19 Muslims became terrorists and killed a few thousand Americans that ALL Muslims are terrorists!!!

No matter what religion or beliefs you have, think about this a second...There are good and bad people in every country, every religion, every race, every age group...we should all try to stop being so damned prejudice...

Comments? please post I'd love to hear them! ;)