made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


Monday, November 29, 2010

My Night. In Great Detail.

I'm pretty much an insomniac... Or maybe, a night owl of sorts.

I go to bed at pretty much the same time every night. I wake up the same time every morning. I STILL CAN'T SLEEP when I crawl into bed! Some nights are worse than others. I just don't get it. I don't nap during the day. I have put myself on a schedule, if you will that does not seem to be doing the trick and I can't stop thinking at night.

It's like a nightly ritual that my mind performs. I am awake all day. I am by myself all day. I am bored all day. Why can't I think during the day?!

I am the furthest thing from a morning person and I love to sleep, but I just can't. When I do finally sleep, it seems I can't get enough of it and want to sleep my life away.

Here's how my night went down...

9:00pm- Went to bed and read my book

10:45pm- Reached a stopping point, but the book is so damn good, I couldn't put it down.

11:04- Forced self to put book away. Succeeded.

Lights out.

Stared into darkness.

Tossed and turned.

Removed clothes thinking maybe it was why I couldn't comfortable.

Realized I needed to shave my legs.

Thought about ideas for a blog that I will post Thursday.

Realized that I need a new blog name. "This Little Family" just seems... boring... Any brilliant ideas?

Forgot that I needed to get the girls' blankets for school out.

Took large drink of water.

Toss. Turn. Throw blankets and pillows on floor.

Gave up, grabbed my phone and browsed Facebook. Then took to Twitter due to lack of excitement on FB. Twitter is always my late night, can't sleep, have nothing else to do guilty pleasure.

Twitter failed to work for me last night. Put phone down. Rolled over. It is now 12:22am

What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?

Crap! Forgot to take my makeup off... Forget it. I can go one day with forgetting.

Wonder why Dr. Pepper makes me poo. (Yes, folks. I learned that this week. Lol)

Thought about texting Beth and telling her happy birthday, decided it was too late. Which then lead to me thinking about what to get her for Karson. She's only got five weeks left! :)

Toss. Turn. Grab pillows from floor.

Then lead to thoughts of another great friend and wishing she'd find out what she's having already!

Christmas is coming quickly. Probably won't be able to afford a tree this year. The tree really isn't a problem I suppose, it's the lights, and decorations too among gifts that still need to be purchased.

Tell myself not to worry because the kiddos won't even notice!

Toss. Turn. Turn pillows to cold side.

Did I unplug the laptop and glade freshener before I went to bed?

Decide I really need to wax my snatch, va- jay- jay, monkey cage, twat, who- ha. I'll stick with snatch.

Giggled because Jonathan said "Watch this. *mumbles some nonsense* Yeah, with the bolts." Wondered what the hell he was dreaming about.

Thought about what to make for dinner this week, which coincidentally lead to "Shit! I need to go grocery shopping."

I need to polish my nails.

Need to finish my homework. Ugh!

Wish I could go to sleep.

It's 1:04am

I feel my boob (Yes, I do that to get comfortable, especially when reading. Lol) and think, "Hey. I got really nice boobs."

Roll over onto stomach. It's always the best position when trying to sleep.

Next thing I remember... Waking up... Tired! Going to be a long day...

How was your night?

To answer your text last night Joshua, yes, I was awake, unfortunately. I keep my texts silenced at night so I don't have to bother waking at 3am to get a friggin forward! Was there something you needed?

Love and well rested wishes


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


"Ouch Mom! You just hurt my brain." While fixing her hair for school.

"You gotta eat it all so you can be big and strong like me, 'cause I ate it all." She then flexes her muscles.

"Tressa, quit farting, nasty!" "Mom! Tell Tressa to quit farting by me!"

"Mrs. Andrews lets me read after lunch because I am SO smart."

"Happy Thanksgiving Mom." She ever so sweetly hugs and kisses me. I informed her that it isn't until Thursday, then she says, "Mrs. Andrews LIED TO ME?!"

"We can fight pillows!" (Pillow fight)

"That's a differenter hide and seek."

Lots of love and laughter

Thursday, November 18, 2010


"You are beautiful Mommy."

"Carrots may your eyes beautiful and peas make your hair beautiful."

"Your butt is THAT big Mom! Like as big as the couch, big."

"Last time I checked, my name was Tressa, SO QUIT CALLING ME AMAYA!"

"Sickles? Oh! Skitters. (Running to tell Joseph & Amaya) I got skitters guys!" Trying to pronounce Skittles.

Jonathan grabs a few Reese's and Tressa asks, "Are you eating those because you are angry, daddy?"
On Halloween, Joy put a few Reese's in the kids' bags and told them to give them to Jonathan when he's getting grumpy. Guess every time he eats Reese's now, he's surely got to be angry. :Þ

"I fart everyday." 

Lots of love and laughter

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Children say the darndest things don't they?! My children are full of cute, funny little conversations or statements on a daily basis. So much so that I feel the need to share. Enjoy!


"When you die, they cook you and eat you or bury you so they can't see you anymore or ever again."

"My favorite color is green, but my faoritest color is black. ACTUALLY, my favorite is green AND pink. I like girly colors too, like bubblegum pink." Insert his uncontrollable giggles

"Serenity said she is not my friend again. She always does that when she's with Brianna!"

"No, you brush your teeth so you don't get cavities. If you don't you will get cavities and then you will have to got to the dentist and they will pull your teeth out and it will hurt, huh Mom? Or will they put the magic mask on your face?"

"Oh, yeah, you're my honey bun." Spoken to Amaya

As always lots of love and many laughs!

Monday, November 8, 2010


I have a slight obsession with cover songs. Jonathan kinda hates it. He thinks 99% of the time the original is better. Sometimes I do agree, but most of the time I beg to differ!

Some of my favorites:
  • Imogen Heap- Hallelujah
  • Five Finger Death Punch- Bad Company
  • Greyson Chance- Fire
  • Pink- Me & Bobby McGee
  • Danyo Cummings- Is There A Place
  • Jesse Barrera- Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
  • Hannah Combs- The Circle of Life I have a slight obsession with The Lion King too :)
  • David Cook- Always Be My Baby
  • Mandy Moore- Umbrella
  • New Found Glory- Cry Me A River
There are surely a million and one more, so I'll spare you this time

What are your favorite covers?

Lots of love, melody, harmony, and keeping in tune

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    MIA & Halloween

    Sorry I've been kind of missing in action. The charger for our laptop took a crap so it was out of commission for a little over a week. Not much exciting has occurred anyhow.

    Halloween was yesterday and the kids had a blast!

    They were SO antsy and ready to go so their dinner was hardly touched.

    This year was much more exciting than last years.

    They weren't nearly as timid when it came to walking up to strangers houses and taking their candy.

    They never complained about how tired they were or how much their feet hurt.

    When asked what their favorite part of last night was... 

    Joseph responded, "I got to wear black nail polish, but only on Halloween because it's for girls."

    Amaya said, "I got to wear pretty pink makeup and glitter."

    Tressa of course said, "We got to eat the candy for dessert!"

    Overall, it was a great night. The kiddos did not want to wake for school this morning after having gone to bed later than usual and all of the excitement they got wore them out. They can't wait to play dress up in their costumes when they get home from school and they've already decided what they're going to be next year! 

    Happy November and lots of love!