Children say the darndest things don't they?! My children are full of cute, funny little conversations or statements on a daily basis. So much so that I feel the need to share. Enjoy!
"When you die, they cook you and eat you or bury you so they can't see you anymore or ever again."
"My favorite color is green, but my faoritest color is black. ACTUALLY, my favorite is green AND pink. I like girly colors too, like bubblegum pink." Insert his uncontrollable giggles
"Serenity said she is not my friend again. She always does that when she's with Brianna!"
"No, you brush your teeth so you don't get cavities. If you don't you will get cavities and then you will have to got to the dentist and they will pull your teeth out and it will hurt, huh Mom? Or will they put the magic mask on your face?"
"Oh, yeah, you're my honey bun." Spoken to Amaya
As always lots of love and many laughs!
HAHA!!! He already has girlfriends & there is nothing wrong with bubblegum pink!
I know! I can't believe he has girlfriend's either! Ack! I told him he was allowed to like any color of the spectrum that he wanted to. He then asked "What spectrum?" Go figure! :)
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