made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Children Are Drug Addicts

Sort of... Maybe... Not really though...

The girls have been sick constantly since they've been in head start. Rather, since the fall/winter session began in August. During the summer session, they were never sick. Now, it seems they've been healthy for maybe two weeks since August. They just can't seem to shake it. It's the coughing, sneezing, snotting, sore throat, watery eyes, along with the occasional fever and body weakness/aches kind of sickness.

I could not for the life of me figure it out. Joseph has not been sick but probably once and Jonathan has been unfortunate to catch it once or twice himself. Luckily, the illnesses have evaded me... for now.

My first thought was maybe allergies. They have eczema, so that could uphold my allergy theory, but nothing has changed. The weather, sure, but I realized SCHOOL! So why isn't Joseph getting it? I Lysol the hell out of the apartment and it's always clean. I have taught them to wash their hands after using the bathroom, before all meals, and especially after blowing their noses, etc.

Not too long ago I had to make a visit to the head start to sign some ridiculous papers and stopped by their classrooms to visit and watch them learn. First thing I notice is that all of these kids are just covered in snot and coughing nonstop. These kids are filthy and germ infested yuckiness! Then I couldn't help but cringe when I see these other kids just wipe their snot down their face, cough into their hands and then start playing with my kids! Ugh! I seriously just realized the disgust all over my face right now just writing about this! It just baffles me! I am not one to judge parenting and point fingers and play I'm the better mom game (for reasons that deserve a blog all their own), but damn! Teach these kids some friggin' germ education! It cannot be that difficult ladies! C'mon!

So therein lies the problem with them being sick so damn frequently. All these sick ass kids who aren't being very sanitary. Okay, I know. They're all three and four year olds. SO what?! It annoys the hell out of me! Gah!!! Lol

I'm going to stop ranting while I'm ahead and get to blogging about what I had originally planned.

Amaya has been sick the last few days with stuffy nose, watery eyes, cough and a slight fever. I've been giving her Dimetapp for most of her symptoms with the occasional dose of Advil or Delsym needed.

Every 30 minutes she's asking if she can have more medicine. Then tonight when I got home I gave her some Delsym. She looks at me and says, "I want more than that, Mommy." What? She really just asked for more medicine! The dosage is only 2.5ml, so she was pretty disappointed I guess. I went on to explain to her in the most simple way I knew how, the difference in doses and why. She accepts my answer, takes the medicine, then proceeds to lick the inside of the dosage cap! Then she got very attitudinal with me when I took it from her!

Which makes me have a huge love-hate relationship with flavored medicines. Hell, Jonathan overdosed on grape cough syrup as a child. Had to spend time in the ER and all. Because it tasted so good. And it wasn't just him. He had a little girl taking shots right along with him. (Maybe that's what's wrong with him? :Þ)

How do you keep your children knowledgeable enough to 'fear' taking medicine without them refusing it if it's really necessary?

My children are watched very well and the medicine is high enough away from them, but there's always that "what if". Majority of the time one is sick, another one starts faking sick just so they get medicine.

It must be passed my bedtime because I am really just rambling, making no sense, and have corrected over 50 grammatical errors, and I just noticed a couple more that I don't care to fix, even some run on sentences...

So goodnight dear friends!

I'm out!

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