Okay... Back on track.
That's definitely been a big issue that I've had. All of Amaya's work that does get sent home is always covered in drawings on the back. Loads of drawings, not just a little doodle, a whole masterpiece. When asking Amaya about it, she said she had to draw to wait for everyone else to finish their work. Amaya never has homework. It's because she's been giving it to her during the day to keep her occupied. She's moved on from sight words to phrases and she's already completed those. She's known all of this well before kindergarten. Then her class was removed from the AR program because they didn't have enough slots for everyone. So they don't even do AR, they just let them grab whatever book they want off the shelves. Gipson did say that she was still verbally testing them on the books that they choose, just to keep them in the groove of testing. The parents were sent home notices about the AR testing a few months back and it stated that they were giving the tests verbally until the children could read themselves. HELLO?! How do you not know my child can read already? She's been reading since she was three! I sent a note to her requesting Amaya do the testing herself, with guidance in case she needed it. NEVER got a response. I brought it up today and she apologized for not having gotten back with me and asked her assistant, Mrs. Rush (who does the AR testing with the children) how the tests were being given to Amaya. She said that Amaya has been doing them herself for quite a while. Good answer, 'cause I would've been pissed off!
There were other things we talked about, mostly my dislike in her response time to me. Hopefully that will no longer be an issue.
Now for the
Gipson told me that she spoke to the principal this morning before she met with me to discuss some good news. She's considering moving Amaya to the first grade!!!! EEK!!!!! At first I was irritated because she never initiated this before I requested to see her a gazillion times. But then I quickly got over that because it was happening now. She's sending an email to all the first grade teachers and setting up a meeting with them to discuss it and introduce them to Amaya. She'll then be tested with about three different types of tests to see where she stands and where she may be lacking. Instead of going straight to first grade right away, they'll be starting her with whichever teacher chooses her for one hour each day and then they'll go from there. Which to me sounds like it might take a couple months. I'm hoping not. I'll be there to give them a boost if there's any hindrance. Believe it!
Gipson's biggest concern with this seemed to be Tressa (Gipson has twins who are now 23). It's got me bothered some too. I'm not sure how to handle this situation with her. I don't want her to feel left out or not good enough... What if it becomes an issue with Joseph too. What if he feels less than because of it... *Sigh* Any ideas on how to approach this with Joseph and Tressa? Please send them my way!
There is much more to tell, but I can barely type because of the excitement! I've had a million typos to correct and more I'm sure I've missed a million more. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated and in the loop when I am notified of anything.
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