made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day Ten... Sort of...

A photo of me 10 years ago or older... Unfortunately, I do not have any on my computer and I do not have any currently in my possession. I swear I'm not just making that up! Lol...

So instead of that I have a picture that Amaya drew just the other day... And, well, the very hilarious story behind it....

While all the kiddos were in the kitchen coloring and drawing, Amaya brought Jonathan and I this picture.

"It's beautiful Amaya!"

"Thank you! Want me to tell you what it's about?"

"Sure. What did you draw?"

 "It is a water park, where we want to play." 

 "This is my name in the sky."

"This is the sun."

"This is me in the yellow dress playing."

"These are the ants playing because they are happy."

"This is you pooping in the purple dress."

"That is me cooking?" Seriously thought I had heard pooping, but wanted to make sure thinking maybe she said cooking.

"No. Pooping." I heard correctly... pooping...

Jonathan and I are now laughing and she is still very serious about her drawing.

"What?! Why am I pooping, Amaya?"

"Because you had to go THAT BAD, Mom!"

And then she nonchalantly continues with her story about her picture... Lol. Love my babies!
