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Monday, November 1, 2010

MIA & Halloween

Sorry I've been kind of missing in action. The charger for our laptop took a crap so it was out of commission for a little over a week. Not much exciting has occurred anyhow.

Halloween was yesterday and the kids had a blast!

They were SO antsy and ready to go so their dinner was hardly touched.

This year was much more exciting than last years.

They weren't nearly as timid when it came to walking up to strangers houses and taking their candy.

They never complained about how tired they were or how much their feet hurt.

When asked what their favorite part of last night was... 

Joseph responded, "I got to wear black nail polish, but only on Halloween because it's for girls."

Amaya said, "I got to wear pretty pink makeup and glitter."

Tressa of course said, "We got to eat the candy for dessert!"

Overall, it was a great night. The kiddos did not want to wake for school this morning after having gone to bed later than usual and all of the excitement they got wore them out. They can't wait to play dress up in their costumes when they get home from school and they've already decided what they're going to be next year! 

Happy November and lots of love!