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Monday, August 30, 2010

Day One: Favorite Song

Because I am so bored at home everyday while the kids are all at school and I have been avoiding cleaning the apartment ever since my sister in law called me, I am starting a 30 day challenge.

For each of those 30 days there is a certain topic. Day one is your favorite song... So here goes.

This is actually really hard for me because I just LOVE music period. I don't know if I really have a "favorite" and I definitely don't think I could pick just one. Jonathan tells me that every song is my "favorite" song because I hear a song and it's instantly my "favorite." I tend to listen to a lot of "sad" or "depressing" songs. Growing up my dad told me that if i didn't listen to more upbeat music I was going to be depressed the rest of my life. Then when I did, he told me to quit listening to "devil music." Haha! Never can win.

Well, here's my shot at listing my "favorite" song. Or two... Or three... They're really those songs that I listen to when I think of the most important moments in my life.

1. Never Been To Spain- but only Elvis Presley's version R.I.P. Uncle Robert

2. My Letter- Flaw; Really a sad song, but it has a huge significance to my life.

So for an actual favorite song:

3. Prayer- Disturbed; This is the song that made me fall in love with them!

And really any song from the 90's (Haha!)

What is or are your favorite songs?


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