made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Little Saving Cents

Or sense...

Not too long ago I had written a previous blog and mentioned turning off our cable. When I had told some friends they instantly gave me the "eye", as though I were crazy (which I probably am, but that's beside the point). I even had a girl ask if I was turning into "one of those all natural freaks." The answer is no. We did it to save money... and in turn, our brains also.

Jonathan and I were never really good with money. I mean, sure, we knew how to spend it, but we were never good at saving it. We lived well beyond our means and put ourselves into a huge well of debt. We have been fortunate enough to have a great support system that was willing to help us rid ourselves of the ridiculous mess we had gotten in and they have given great advice for future financing struggles or plans. Of course, we've always known that you should have AT LEAST a six months salary in savings, and a rainy day jar, and we knew the importance of those things, we just never initiated them.

Even with the debt that we still have, we can save. Even a penny a day, if that's what we can fudge. Jonathan and I have talked many a time about taking so much from our checks and putting into savings. Nixing this, that, and the other, but we have learned that a savings account just doesn't work for us... We see it sitting in the account just waiting to be spent on the newest, fastest computer or the things I just HAD to get for the kids that were sure to be broken in less than a weeks time. We've learned through many trial and error situations that a cash savings has always worked for us.

Jonathan started a new job on September 1st. He will be paid October 1st. We are making initiative to REALLY start a savings. Basically our motto is "Don't need it, don't buy it." We are also going to start taking any extra money from our pay checks and save it since Jonathan will be making almost a dollar an hour more than he was at ANI. If we could live off of what he made then, we still can. Plus the money we'll save not paying for cable anymore. I do believe in the occasional splurge on a new t-shirt or something that will make you smile. But that's occasional and less than $20 a month! (I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!)

We still have fall/winter clothes to buy for the girls and the chilly weather is coming quickly. It was 60° this morning! The kids and I all ran back inside to see if our hoodies still fit from last year... And... They don't, but they work for the time being. I think know that we're going to do well this time. We have a lot more self control and we have our lives completely almost in full order.

Wish us luck and keep us in your thoughts along the way.

Lots of love and penny saving

1 comment:

Whitney said...

We are having our shut off on Oct. 1st since that is when we are out of a contract... We will still have our internet but that is all... I hope to be downgrading our phone from smart phones to regular phones. And Jake is selling all his money pit toys (BOTH BOATS) So we are doing the same thing as you!

Love ya

P.S. call me I have something to tell you