made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thanksgiving has passed and it seems everyone has decided they are no longer thankful for anything. The dishes have been washed, leftovers have been eaten and fifteen pounds of turkey/stuffing/sweet potato/ pie weight has been gained. We are rushing to get back to our normal routines. Making it to to work on time, getting our children ready for school without missing the bus, we carry on about our days and almost never vocalize something we are thankful for.

What constitutes Thanksgiving as being the only day to voice that? Just one day a year and then nothing. It ceases. Or for the most part, we quiet our thanks. But for what reasons? Must we really have a holiday to remind us to be thankful, to appreciate our life or the people and things in it? 

So, I got a brilliant (no, really, it is. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.) idea. Every Thursday I am going to voice something I am thankful for. It might be a picture, a book... Anything that I may be thankful for. No more "forgetting" or getting lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life to say I am thankful.

You should join me! :) It will be fun. I promise!

Today I am thankful for Thanksgiving. I am thankful that at least we are voicing our thanks on that day. One day a year is better than none.

I am thankful for the overabundance of food we were blessed with that day to fill our stomachs beyond what we needed.

I am thankful for the running water that I was able to use to clean the many dishes that filled our sink.

I am thankful for my in-laws for lending us their vehicle while ours is in the shop.

I am thankful to have seen another day.

I am thankful. Are you?

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