made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Things My Mom Taught Me

Ever since I can remember, I knew I've always wanted to be a mom. Then at 15, I was scared shitless to learn I would soon become a mother. I broke the hearts of my parents, and honestly, at that time I didn't care who I hurt. I felt that I was the one that needed the consoling, the sympathy, I was hurting too dammit! I was scared, lost, confused. I had dreams of finishing high school, attending college, THEN getting married and having children... This was ALL WRONG! It wasn't supposed to be this way!

When Joseph was placed into my arms I just knew that everything was going to be okay. I was a mother and that feeling will never be forgotten. He was beautiful. He was perfect. He was my son.

There was a quote I once heard that went something along the lines of 'what you teach your son, you also teach your son's son.' I find this very true. As much as I hate to admit, I find myself saying things and doing things that my mother once said or did to us. Each time I laugh to myself and think, "Holy shit... I'm my mother!" I have learned a lot from my mother. Things weren't perfect and most of the time I wished things were different, but in all of the imperfections and craziness, I learned to be the best mother that I could.

My mother taught me that we are not perfect, we are human and we will make mistakes. But in making those mistakes we are taught a lesson that will never be forgotten.

She taught me to stand up for myself. To let nothing and no one get in the way of my success. She taught me to be proud of who I was and to stand firm in my decisions.

I learned that no matter what goes wrong or how much your children tell you 'you're a meanie' they still love you.

I learned not to sweat the small things. Like the time I was so angry the girls had written on their walls, but while scrubbing it away, I saw Tressa had finally spelled her name right.

There are so many more thing that I have learned and even more that I have yet to learn. I only hope my children see me as the best teacher they'll have in their lifetime.

Happy Mother's Day Mom,

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